Welcome to Conetic's Products
CONETIC products are grouped into two categories - Database/Application Development, and Accounting modules.
C/Base™ 4GL
CONETIC - products begins with our own 4GL Multi-user Database named C/Base™4GL. C/Base™4GL has a wide varity of (RAD) Rapid Application Development tools. C/Base™4GL , is an application development suite with a flexible, robust database engine that features a visual development environment, a scripting language, and application libraries with a C and ActiveX language interfaces. All of this makes C/Base™4GL easy to learn and easy to use, but also powerful enough for the most serious developers. Best of all, C/Base™4GL is based on an Open Systems architecture, giving you a wide variety of choices in hardware and operating system environments. We specialize in multi-user systems financial information systems. more info...
C/BOOKS® is a suite of nine fully integrated Accounting modules. C/BOOKS® was written using C/Base™4GL RAD tools. By using C/Base™4GL as the development foundation, all C/BOOKS® modules inheritate multi-user, multi-tasking power, and real-time transaction processing with true platform independance. But the best thing that C/BOOKS® offers is the built-in ability to easily enhance and modify your accounting application so that it can be exactly tailored to your business and or corporate requirements. more...
A Step Beyond 4GL
C/BASE™4GL is a visually oriented application development system that is a step beyond 4GL, providing the capability of developing sophisticated applications without the need for using a procedural language. C/Base 4GL is Rapid Application Development system that can create most applicaitons in a fraction of the time in comparison to competitive products. more...
Advanced C API-Utilities:
C/Base™4GL Utilities is a companion to C/BASE 4GL. C/BASE 4GL Utilities provides the advanced developer direct access to the RMS file system. It is a complete C Language interface package consisting of object code libraries and a set of utility programs. These tools permit C language functions to be used within C/BASE 4GL forms and reports for performing complete user-defined operations. The tools also allow independent user programs to directly access the C/BASE 4GL database, enhancing the power and flexibility of the data manager. more info...
Web Ready Database!
Conetic Software System's – C/Base 4GL Web Database Proxy Server is a powerful client/server product that provides a secure yet simple approach to accessing Conetic's data over the Internet. The Proxy Database Server is a fast, platform independent, intelligent, scalable, and secure. more info...
Conetic Software Systems 4GL and Accounting Software supports the MS-Windows Open Data Base Connectivity standard (ODBC).
The C/Base™4GL ODBC Suite is tightly integrated with CONETIC products to make the C/BASE database 'open' in a true and practical sense. The ODBC Suite allows Windows-based ODBC-compliant applications complete access to CONETIC data. CONETIC users can easily merge CONETIC data into mass mailings using their favorite word processor, gather C/BOOKS® financial data into spreadsheet programs for financial forecasting and 'what if' scenarios, plus integrate data into presentation reports and materials, and much more. more info...
C/BaseX Active Libraries:
C/BaseX is Conetic's new high level development library. Designed for speed, C/BaseX delivers a direct connection to C/Base 4GL data files. This powerful, network enable library makes childs play out of creating client/server applications. more info...
NetVal - Visual Authoring Language (Report Writer)
NetVAL - Conetic Software Systems own WYSIWYG drag and drop visual report designer. The Visual Authoring Language consists of two components. The first component is the REPORT EDITOR. The REPORT EDITOR permits you to develop report layouts. The second component is the REPORT EXECUTER. The REPORT EXECUTER is used to print a report using a specific report layout.
For additional information, check out VAL's manual on the web. more info...
Thin Client Version 5.0
The C/BASE and C/BOOKS® ThinClient is a state of the art Client/Server solution that incorporates a desktop Graphical Windows User Interface (PC) that is tightly coupled to a backend Unix and or Windows server. This new technology utilizes the standard C/BASE and C/BOOKS applications via a browser like -- Graphical Windows User Interface.
more info...