Conetic Software Systems 4GL and Accounting Software supports the MS-Windows Open Data Base Connectivity standard (ODBC).
The C/BASE™4GL ODBC Suite is tightly integrated with CONETIC products to make the C/BASE database 'open' in a true and practical sense. The ODBC Suite allows Windows-based ODBC-compliant applications complete access to CONETIC data. CONETIC users can easily merge CONETIC data into mass mailings using their favorite word processor, gather C/BOOKS® financial data into spreadsheet programs for financial forecasting and 'what if' scenarios, plus integrate data into presentation reports and materials, and much more.
What is ODBC?
Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC) is a term used to describe a standard technology which promotes direct data exchange between ODBC compliant PC/Windows based software products, without regard for server hardware platform or operating systems. This Open architecture is widely supported by thousands of Windows based products including Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Lotus 123, and Seagate's Crystal Report
Imagine the possibilities!
Create your own custom reports and publish the results on the WEB with Seagate's Crystal Reports. Merge customer mail information directly into a Microsoft Word document. Produce that new product catalog in minutes by extracting the inventory product part number, description, and price data into your favorite desktop publishing software. Test "what if theories" by utilizing your current C/BOOKS® financial information with Microsoft Query and Excel. Generate next year's budget in minutes. The possibilities are endless!
Secure access!
With this new "open file access" comes new issues of security. Who can see what? Who can access what files? The CONETIC ODBC Drivers contain a Windows based "C/BASE™4GL ODBC ADMINISTRATION" utility which is password protected. The administrator is used to grant and deny access to users. The utility assigns passwords to determine what files the user is granted access.
What platforms are supported?
Currently, the CONETIC ODBC products are delivered in two categories:
- Desktop and Client/Server Desktop Edition - Runs only on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (32-bit) workstations. It is assumed that all CONETIC data files are located on a single Windows based machine.
- Client/Server Edition - Is broken down into two separate TCP/IP based components; Client and Server.
- The Client component - consists of a Windows 95/98 or Windows NT (32-bit) based "driver". The Client driver has no installation securities, permitting organizations to freely distribute and install the "Client driver".
- The Server component - consists of a Windows NT or Unix based server daemon. This TCP/IP based daemon is the program that grants access, processes data requests, and transmits results back to the "Client". Current supported server platforms are Windows NT 4.0 or greater, Sun Solaris 2.5.1, SCO Openserver and Linux (Red Hat 4.2/5.0/6.0).
What are the requirements?
- Desktop Edition - Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0 or greater. C/BASE™4GL Version 4.0 or greater. Three (3) megabits of free hard disk space.
- Client/Server Edition - The Client component must have Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0 or greater, and Microsoft's TCP/IP protocol installed. An "Ethernet" network card connected to the Server's network. Three (3) megabits of free hard disk space.
- The Server component - must have TCP/IP protocol installed. An "Ethernet" network card connected to the Clients' network. C/BASE 4GL version 4.0 or greater must be installed (16 user Unix and NT license minimum). Ten (10) megabits of free hard disk space. Currently supported server platforms are Windows NT 4.0 or greater, Sun Solaris 2.5.1, SCO OpenServer, and Linux (Red Hat 4.2/5.0/6.0).