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May 2005 ...
Download Version 5.6

Version 5.6 – Conetic's new release Embraces the Linux Desktop.
Conetic Software Systems, Inc. is proud to announce the availablity of Version 5.6. Version 5.6 is a major release that contains a significant number of new features. Features, such as a totally new “desktop Client” for Linux, improved forms printing, and a simpler yet easier on the eyes graphic menuing system.

New – Desktop Client --
The new native Linux client marks the completion of a project that has spanned several years. This new Thinclient allows the Conetic products to function in a graphical user interface natively on Linux. The new and improved “Thin Client” allows today's business to capitalize on the cost savings of 100% native Linux solutions, while also improving end-user production. The product enables end-users to perform more tasks, faster, and with little or no learning curve. Features like “multi-screen” windows, drill-down reporting, and simple report exporting (to spreadsheets or wordprocessing programs) deliver an enhanced feature rich end-user experience. The results are improved production and greater profitability for our customers.

New forms printing --
The new “forms printing” engine allows our customers a simple portable, fully editable forms printing engine for Windows, Linux and Unix platforms. This new forms printing engine merges our traditional “text” printing with predefined, editable forms. The system is delivered with editable standard form files in jpeg and Openoffice formats. As a result, the cost, and time to change or enhance a “Invoice form” or “Customer Statement” is greatly reduced. Version 5.6 puts all Version 5.6 users in control of their company image, by allowing them to modify the look of their companies forms.

Graphic menuing system --
The new graphic menuing system improves production, while also reducing the learning curve for new users. The new menus are maps to the processing of accounting data. Just follow the options, an before you know it your done! The secure, and fully editable menu system is written in html, thus allowing anyone that knows html the ability to enhance the menu to fit the customer requirements.

August 2003
CONETIC Software Systems, Inc. has released Version 5.0 Release 2. Release 2 contains several patches to Version 5.0 Release 1 distribution. In addition, Release 2 contains a NEW and improved installation support for SCO OpenServer & SCO UnixWare.

July, 2003
CONETIC Software Systems, Inc. is proud to announce that Version 5.0 Release 2 has add support for Suse 8.2 (Linux - Intel). It's all about choice. It's all about options. Suse 8.2 strong domestic and internation presents gives Conetic users another Linux OS platfom choice.

April, 2003
CONETIC Software Systsms, Inc. is proud to announce the availability of our new C/Base™4GL Web Proxy Server. Conetic Software System's – C/Base™4GL Web Database Proxy Server is a powerful client/server product that provides a secure yet simple approach to accessing Conetic's data over the Internet. The Proxy Server is a fast, platform independent, intelligent, scalable, secure database server. The C/Base 4GL Proxy contains features like:
  • Platform independence
  • Built-in intelligence
  • Easy to use
  • Scalable performance
  • Strong data security

January, 2003
CONETIC Software Systems, Inc. has gone paperless! Well just about. Conetic's Version 5.0 NEW Digital Record Keeping & Archive System is an easy-to-use scanning solution that turns source paper documents into digital files. Once digitized, documents can be shared, retrieved, viewed, printed, and even e-mailed. Scan and organize invoices, vouchers, receipts, and shipping papers - basically any document in seconds.
  • In short the Conetic Digital Record Keeping System can quickly and painlessly convert your bulky manual file-cabinet to a single CD-R or DVD+R - now your business information is truly mobile. No need to spend valuable time rifling through file cabinets or piles of loose paper. Just click and go!!!

1012 Navarro St, San Antonio TX, 78205 • 210-225-5185 • 1-800-541-4580
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