Web Ready Database!
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Conetic Software System's C/Base™4GL Web Database Proxy Server is a powerful client/server product that provides a secure yet simple approach to accessing Conetic's data over the Internet. The Proxy Database Server is a fast, platform independent, intelligent, scalable, and secure.
Platform independent - Designed with a focus on platform independents, the C/Base™4GL Proxy Server client runs on a wide array of computing platforms. The client side consists of a small execute that sits on the Web Server. When requested by the html code the proxy client launches a request to connect and execute the process requested on the C/Base™4GL database server. Once the request has been processed, the results are redirected to the Web Server for display.
Intelligent the client side proxy programs have the built-in ability to read and export the html environment. When processing an html form, all form fields are exported to the environment. Once in the environment, the fields can be used to perform a specific server side process.
Easy to use the C/Base™4GL Web Proxy Server unlike other proxys does not require CGI scripts, shell scripts, or any addition custom programs to execute web requests. The all in one proxy client program is the only executable needed to launch a program. So it's your choice, you can write hundreds if not thousands of lines of extra code - or you can use Conetic's Web proxy.
Scalable - the C/Base™4GL Web Proxy Server was designed not to limited the number of web servers that can access a single Proxy Server. In addition, our licensing policy does not require each Proxy client be licensed. All licensing is being performed on the C/Base™4GL Proxy Server. One major advantage of this model is that one Proxy Server can provide database services for several web servers. Limited only by system performance and disk space.
Secure the C/Base™4GL Web Database Proxy addresses security issues by separating the database server from the web server. This enables the network administrator to secure traffic from the web server to the database proxy server and back by using traditional firewall technics. Thus allowing traffic to the database proxy server, from only the web server. The diagram below shows a typical configuration.
Powerful server side scripting language! The C/Base™4GL Web Database Proxy Server was designed to take full advantage of the C/Base "GRACE" Lanaguage. GRACE - for years has been known by Conetic users as a powerful, english like scripting language. In short, with a few lines of GRACE code a process can update, insert, or even delete a C/Base™4GL database record. Both the novice and experienced programmer will find themself productive right away. Platforms supported:
Proxy Server: |
Proxy Client: |
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Redhat 9 Linux (Intel)
Redhat 7.2 Linux (Intel)
Suse 8.2 Linux (Intel)
SCO OpenServer
SCO UnixWare
Solaris 9 (sparc)
Solaris 2.5X (sparc)
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Redhat 9 Linux (Intel)
Redhat 7.2 Linux (Intel)
Suse 8.2 Linux (Intel)
SCO OpenServer
SCO UnixWare
Solaris 9 (sparc)
Solaris 2.5X (sparc)
(click on the image below to enlarge)
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