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C/BASE Goes International

Parlez-vous Français? Sprechen sie Deutsch? Habla usted Español? Oui! Ja! Sí!
With C/BASE International Utilities Language Tools, it doesn't matter what language you, or your users speak. We can help you make your application say the right thing in the right language.

Most programs communicate with the user to receive input or to report the results of processing. In standard C/BASE and C/BOOKS programs, messages are displayed in the English language and follow U.S. formatting conventions (order of month, day, and year for dates, etc). Conetic programs separate the message layer (called RESOURCE files) from the compiled program binaries. This eliminates time consuming program changes when localizing C/BASE 4GL applications.

C/BASE International Utilities Language Tools control all aspects of messages by providing a layer between the C/BASE RMS engine and your C/BASE application code. This means that you can easily tailor the language of your application and run several language-specific versions of the same system concurrently on the same CPU! Data binary values such as Date formatting, money formatting, and boolean are automatically converted by the Conetic message layer. For example, if on your distributed system a boolean is YES/NO in Chicago, SI/NO in Buenos Aires, and JA/NEIN in Hamburg - the application stays the same.

Conetic programs are designed to reserve the eighth-bit (8-bit clean). This enables C/BASE and C/BOOKS applications to support keyboards and operating systems which utilize multi-language character sets.

Applications, created with the C/BASE™4GL visual driven menu system, will still require the editing of ASCII text menus, forms, and reports. The C/BASE International Utilities are designed to permit the support of multiple language sets. This applies to binary programs only. ASCII application text conversion is performed quickly and painlessly by utilizing the C/BASE 4GL visual driven menu development system.

C/BASE International Utilities Language Tools:
  • C'est formidable!
  • Wunderbar
  • !Fantástico!

1012 Navarro St, San Antonio TX, 78205 • 210-225-5185 • 1-800-541-4580
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