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The C/BOOKS Payroll module supports a variety of special functions ranging from calculating payroll checks with individual deductions to maintaining information required for state and federal reports. The number of employees which can be processed is limited only by disk capacity. The system supports a variety of user defined pay periods (daily, weekly, semi-monthly, quarterly, and annual), different employee classifications (hourly, salary, or salary with overtime), and multiple state income taxes.
Employee File:
The Employee File contains both personal (name, address, phone, etc.) and payroll (social security number, pay rate, expense account, charge rate, etc.) information.
Deductions File:
The Deductions File contains all the standard, employer and employee deductions for all personnel (e.g., State and Federal Income Tax, Social Security, etc.). There are no limits on the number of total standard deductions or the number of employee deductions that can be included. Deductions can be fixed amounts or percentages. They can be listed in tabular format.
Payroll History:
A detailed listing of individual payroll transactions is maintained to determine cumulative figures.
Payroll Checks:
The system prints payroll checks for each employee or manual payroll checks can be written.
The module produces many reports including listings of all employees, deductions, payroll costs for selected periods, and checks issued. The system prints all information required for the 941 Quarterly Report and W-2 forms.
Powerful features include:
- Multi-company capability
- Check Reconciliation
- Check Register
- Void posted checks
- Manual check entry
- Supports both salaried and hourly calculations
- Unlimited number of deductions per employee
- Employee records contain comprehensive employee information
- Full integration with the GL Module
- Full integration with the Job Costing module; allows labor to be charged to Job tasks directly from the payroll module.
- Calculates a single or group of Employees Payroll Vocuhers (Quick calculation)
- Time Cards allow the labor costs to be distributed across multiple expense accounts
- Payroll Register Report
- Payroll History Report
- Detail and summary G/L Payroll Register distribution reports
- Option to produce magnetic media file for W-2 reporting
- 401K per tax deductions supported
- ACH Direct Bank Deposit supported (Provided as an update!)
- Memo/notes system - allows the documentation of payroll issues, etc....
- Fully customizable via C/Base 4GL Application Development tools
- Source code - for all reports is available at no extra charge.