Linux Screen Shots .... (Seeing is Believing)
Powerful desktop ....
The ThinClient interface is a powerful desktop integration tool. It truly blends the desktop users tools/environment with server side C/BASE and C/BOOKS data. Based on a
"click and go" technology theory, the ThinClient delivers features such as:
- Built-in Browser (enhanced)
- Windows style Cascade menu
- Built-in menu security
- MS-Office Integration tools
Cascade style menu - The Windows Cascade style menu makes application navigation a breeze. All menu options are grouped by category, and module. A side from ease of use, the menu is used to manage/control user access. The user access is managed via the " ThinClient Administrator". The ThinClient Administrator provides a simple method for allowing or denying access for an identifed user to specific modules and or menu. Users passwords control module and function access.
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Built-in Web Browser - The new built-in web browser delivers a "totally" new, yet unlimited amount of options to Conetic users. The enhanced IE browser provides a method for today's business(es) to improve communication, while also improving end-user production. Corporate Web Pages can be displayed on startup of the system, and used to promote new corporate information about products or services. Web style pages can be used as "menus" to guide and explain a new or existing application to an end-user. With such a feature, bulky unused end-user guides are quickly a thing of the passed. Secure Web style reports, data entry forms can be created without the need for a web server. Powerful dynamic html style reports with "drilldown" functionally are now a reality.
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Transparent desktop links - New desktop integration has been provided with in the product. Allowing organization to stream-line end-user functions; thus improving end-user production. For example: The End-users menu can be configured to generate any web style report, and immediately displayed it in Excel or Word. No need for a special tools to export data. No need to import delimited files. No need to install and train end-users of how to access database tables using ODBC style tools. Just click and go! Tell me more ...
Version 5 - is Conetic Software Systems next generation of our proven C/Base™4GL Database and C/Books® Accounting modules.
Version 5 has been re-designed to take full advantage of today’s Windows desktop. The new ThinClient Desktop enhances the already robust database products by simplifying application access, and delivery data to the desktop.
The totally new look and feel breath new life into yesterdays proven applications. As designed, Version 5 allows organizations to preserve existing software investment dollars, while migrating towards current computing standards. Version 5 delivers new form and function. Starting with …
New ThinClient Desktop - The ThinClient interface is a powerful desktop integration tool. It truly blends the desktop users tools/environment with server side C/BASE and C/BOOKS data. Based on a "click and go"
technology theory, the ThinClient features like:
- Built-in Web Browser
- Windows Style Cascade menu
- Built-in End User Menu security
- Drop Validation in form, menus and Params
- Pop up CalendarMS-Office Integration
Digital FileCabinet - Version 5 has integrated the oldest issue in modern business today inside all Conetic applications - "paper documentation". Conetic for some time has been working on developing a method for interfacing "paper" with our applications. Well it's here! In very simple terms C/BOOKS® and C/BASE applications have the ability to "scan", and store digital "source documents" on your central server. Once stored C/BOOKS® has standard reports to allow the end-user to "drilldown" all the way to the "source paper document". In addition, the assoicated reports can be archived off line on removable media like "cd-r" and played back royalty free on any windows based computer. Just imagine, viewing a "Vouchers By Vendor with Detail", and drilling to "paper". Displaying the source document for a specific voucher with just a click
Digital Report Archiving - New Report Archiving allows Conetic users to print and store digitally Conetic reports. This new module converts Conetic reports to a standard PDF format, and then stores them on the server for future retrieval. No need to print and store huge mountains of reports. Once stored, any report can be archived off line on removable media. Just about all PDF views can read, view, and reprint these reports. Now management has simple yet powerful way to transport, view, and study reports on or off line - just click and go
PDF Report/Print Conversion - As a bye product of "Digital Report Archiving" Conetic provides the means to allow any windows based report to be converted to a standard PDF file format. Once converted these files can be email, copied, transferred, etc..... and shared with anyone who has a PDF viewer. Imagine being able to email an "Invoice" to a client in seconds. No need to print the invoice, produce a cover letter, and then fax - just click and go
Financial Graphic Report - New in C/BOOKS® Version 5 is a set of Graphical Financial Reports. Version boasts approximately 30+ charts/reports that are displayed in bar charts, stacking bar charts and pie charts. It has been said, "a picture is worth a thousan words" - well in our case it might be worth thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Simple yet powerful tools - As a bye product of the new interface, Conetic has created a series of new tools in order to exploit the environment. Tools:
- Grid Form Designer - Designed to allow users the ability to quickly create "spreadsheet" style data entry screens call grid forms. Grid forms are a new generation of data entry/edit forms. A typical grid form can be created in approximately 5 minutes.
- Visual Grace Editor - Designed to enhance and improve programmers performance in modifying and or creating Grace style reports. This new Windows based editor eliminates the need for a report programmer to learn unix and windows editors in order to write or enhance any of the existing Grace reports. The program contains a series of "wizards" that aid the programmer in using Grace functions. A new "Import Html" wizard makes the creation of html style reports payless.
NetVAL - is a Network (enabled) Visual Authoring Language delivers to Version 5 users a WYSIWYG visual approach to new report development. The intuitive graphical REPORT EDITOR allows even a novice user to become productive quickly. Being user friendly, every input parameter possesses a default value. The advanced features of VAL enable the user in the generation of sophisticated reports. Once designed, reports can be deployed on the end-users workstations. Basic database knowledge is required.
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- C/BASEX - is a new activeX "network enable" library. Designed to enable programmers to use simpler development tools like "Visual Basic", "Borland C++", and "MS Visual C++". This new library significantly reduces the amount of code required to access the C/BASE RMS engine. The fact that the library is "network enable" makes it easy to create client/server applications.