1.C/Base 4GL Database RAD
All CONETIC products begins with our Database named C/Base™4GL. C/Base™4GL is an application development suite with a fast yet flexible, robust database engine that features a visual development environment, a scripting language, and application libraries with a C and ActiveX language interfaces. C/Base™4GL easy to learn and easy to use, but also powerful enough for the most serious developers. Best of all, C/Base™4GL is based on an Open Systems architecture, giving you a wide variety of choices in hardware and operating system environments. The entire C/books Accounting system was created and developed using C/Base.2.C/Books Accounting Modules
C/BOOKS® is a suite of nine fully integrated Accounting modules. C/BOOKS® was written using C/Base™4GL RAD tools. By using C/Base™4GL as the development foundation, all C/BOOKS® modules inheritate multi-user, multi-tasking power, and real-time transaction processing with true platform independance. But the best thing that C/BOOKS® offers is the built-in ability to easily be enhanced and modified so that it can be exactly tailored to your business and or corporate requirements.
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Conetic products are group into to two general categories.
- C/Base 4GLdevelopment tools
- C/Books Accounting software
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Conetic Software Systems, Inc.,
is a privately-owned company based in San Antonio, Texas, the Alamo City. We are technology leaders that are experienced, successful, and innovative in software design and development. Our experience shows in a proud product line that began back in 1979. We are proud to say that success is written in the stories of each and every one of our thousands of customers world wide. Featuring innovative solutions, our extensive solution focused product line emphasizes performance, portability, and reasonable pricing.

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Daecenas mollisompus viverra, ante malesuada.
Aenean neceros.
Daecenas mollisompus viverra, ante malesuada.
Oponsecver piscielit.
Daecenas mollisompus viverra, ante malesuada.